Have you been thinking about the above questions but not getting the relevant answer? Please keep reading.
Scrum meeting is a part of Agile testing environment. When you are working in an Agile based environment, you will encounter scrum meeting on daily basis.
Basically, Scrum meeting happens as first thing in the morning as your office day starts. Usually, it goes for 15-20 minutes. It is called as stand up meeting as people will be standing majorly and discussing about the work.
Participants in scrum meeting are QA's, Developers including developer lead, B.A( Business Analyst) and Scrum Master. There will be 6-8 or 8-10 people in the meeting. ( depending upon how many QA's or Dev's are there in your organisation).
Everybody joins the meeting and discuss and contribute on the below pointers:
The Agenda or the key pointers of the meeting is:
i) To speak on what you did yesterday
ii.) Are there any hurdles or blockers which are stopping you to do your work ?
iii.) What is your work plan for tomorrow?
Everyday, each of the person has to give their inputs and discuss the problems if they have and come up with solutions.
This is what we call as Scrum Meeting.
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